Cognitive Collaboration for Teaming

Horizon 2020
01.01.2019 – 31.12.2021
Charles-Alban DORMOY

This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 831891
During a flight, pilots must master complex situations, while facing increasing system complexity due to the amount and type of information available. Co2Team (Cognitive Collaboration for Teaming) pursues the idea that a system based on artificial intelligence can effectively support the pilot through the use of cognitive computing.
Cognitive computing makes it possible to design decision support systems that can acquire knowledge and learn by understanding natural language. Compared to traditional systems, it can reason and interact more naturally with human beings. It is also able to put the content of its proposal into context. It weights its answers according to the trust and evidence it has.
Cognitive Computing continues to evolve as it ingests new information, scenarios and responses. It reasoned in a way that resembled human thought, so that the conclusions are obvious, transparent and useful.
By taking human factors into account in the design, development and use of these intelligent systems, the natural capacities of human cognition, the power of human-machine symbiosis can be enhanced. Experts (Pilots) and the system (Cognitive Computing) collaborate by doing what they do best.
The general objective of Co2Team is to propose a roadmap for a technical and methodological transition to more autonomous air transport. This transition will be based on an innovative bidirectional communication paradigm and an optimized shared authority between the human and an agent (intelligent system). The methodological postulate is based on the concept of keeping “human in the loop“. In this way, it is possible to benefit from the most effective pilot skills, such as the application of decision making, to achieve flight objectives and guarantee a maximum level of flight safety and better acceptability.
CATIE is the leader in the study and analysis of human factors for the integration of artificial intelligence in an aircraft cockpit.
The objective is to identify the key factors on the human side and on the AI side, leading to Man-AI collaboration in an operational situation.
This project will also be an opportunity for CATIE to showcase its knowledge and work on the H2020 Future Sky Safety Performance Envelop project.