Sustainable Smart Strategy for air Quality assurance in classrooms

30.11.2020 – 30.04.2023

This project is co-financed up to 75% by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the Interreg SUDOE V Program. The SUDOE program supports regional development in south-western Europe by financing projects transnationals through the FEDER Fund
This project deals with the design of a common action plan for smart specialization to ensure indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms.
IAQ is a key factor in public health and recently its importance has been highlighted with the COVID-19 pandemic.
This project brings together multi-stakeholder actors to address this societal issue.
The objective of 3SqAir is to develop a strategy to ensure optimal IAQ in educational buildings, by implementing innovative, sustainable and intelligent solutions ranging from passive or active IAQ equipment, to low carbon technologies, changes in behavior.
The IAQ improvement strategy focuses not only on technical aspects, but also on social factors such as user behavior by providing educational activities to raise awareness and improve student participation.
Both approaches are essential and complementary to improve IAQ, energy efficiency, health and well-being while addressing transnational and cross-cutting challenges related to educational buildings.
Transnational cooperation is necessary to assess the impact of the cultural, technical and legal aspects of the SUDOE space on the deployment of IAQ improvement plans.
3SqAir will establish a RIS3 strategy to ensure IAQ in classrooms by providing a methodological framework for classrooms, awareness campaigns, a best practices web platform and an open-source and open hardware IoT platform.
The project is based on pilot sites covering different levels of education. A community of experts will be brought together, which will create technology transfer and value for the different actors. The innovative aspect of the project is the open-source IoT solution that will allow easier, cheaper reproduction and continuous updating, unlike commercial software.
The project also includes innovative methods to measure the individual well-being of users in relation to IAQ.
CATIE is leading the work package that will develop the open-source and open-hardware IoT solution to measure, manage and visualise the IAQ.
This project will also be an opportunity for CATIE to showcase its knowledge and work already perform with 6TRON platform.